Quality Meat
The quality of meat influences its flavor, texture, and nutritional value significantly. When you shop for beef, you aim for top-notch options. Milam’s Market provides USDA Prime and Certified Angus Beef®, representing the best and most trusted selections in Miami. Additionally, we offer grass-fed and Wagyu beef products, ensuring a diverse range for your preferences. To ease any confusion when choosing between meat grades, here’s a brief explanation of what to expect when selecting your next grilling cut for Saturday.

USDA Prime Grade
You’ll find USDA Prime Beef, the highest grade of Angus beef available in the U.S. market, at all Milam’s Markets locations at the meat counter. This beef is a staple in fine dining restaurants and hotels in Miami. It’s a rarity in South Florida supermarkets, making up only 2% of the beef market.
Prime beef comes from well-fed, young cattle and boasts abundant marbling, which is the fat interspersed with lean meat. Known for its burst of flavor and tender, juicy bite, this meat is perfect for grilling, roasting, or broiling.

Certified Angus Beef® Brand
To earn the Certified Angus Beef® brand name, beef undergoes a rigorous screening process by the USDA. It must be Angus-influenced, predominantly black-coated, and then meet the brand’s 10 quality standards.
Developed by a group of ranchers aiming for consistently tender and juicy steaks, the brand selects only the top two tiers of USDA Choice Grade (one grade below prime) and all Prime Grade cattle. These cattle must meet 10 quality standards, including modest or high marbling, less than 1 inch fat thickness, weight limits, “A” grade maturity, among others.
When you spot the Certified Angus Beef® label on our meat packages or at the meat counter, rest assured you’re getting excellent-quality beef. All our premium cuts – New York Strips, Tenderloin, Ribeyes, and Top Sirloins – carry the Certified Angus Beef® brand name alongside their USDA Prime grade status, making them the best of the best!

100% Grass Fed Beef
Grass-fed beef is renowned for offering higher vitamin content and up to 5x more healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. By incorporating this beef into your diet, you can benefit from all the nutrients nature provides. Our grass-fed beef selection from Thousand Hills is free from hormones, antibiotics, grains, GMOs, cattle confinement feeding, and grain byproducts.

Wagyu By Marble 57°W
Wagyu beef is renowned for its ultra-fine grain marbling, tenderness, juiciness, and impeccable taste. The journey from Japan to the Rioplatense region of South America has given Marble 57°W brand the chance to raise Wagyu in an environment very similar to that of Japanese cattle. The Rioplatense region benefits from copious rainfall, gentle topography, and fertile soil, making it an ideal habitat for Wagyu due to its abundance of natural grasses.
Marble 57°W wagyu beef delivers extreme levels of marbling, packed with Omega and Monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as iron.